Frequently asked questions

What does SmartEat do?

SmartEat is an AI Powered Recipe and meal plan generator. You can create recipes from the ingredients or create meal plans for your needs. Also you can use Chat to ask kitchen related questions to our AI.

I tried Meal planning before and failed? How can SmartEat help me?

SmartEat has made Meal planning easy with AI so you don't need to worry about calculations & recipes. If you want to change something in your meal plan, just type what you want and the AI will change the recipes for you.

Is it available for my device?

Our app is designed for compatibility across various devices and platforms, ensuring accessibility whether you're using a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

What makes SmartEat different from others?

AI integration in SmartEat is making it from the smartest recipe & meal planning application in the market.

Are there any costs involved?

You can download & use SmartEat for Free, if you need advanced meal planning & recipe generation, you can buy premium version.

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Are you ready for next generation kitchen experience? Download now and see how AI can help you in your kitchen.

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